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A Night of Pageantry

I'm sure most of you have heard of the show "Toddlers and Tiara's" right? I've watched the show a few times and it dawned on me to question my mother as to why I had never been a pageant girl! She told me because we didn't have money nor did I show interest in anything involving dresses. (I had a tendency to try things, get bored, and eventually stop going) However, as a young woman, I have thought about pageantry on and off. Well, since 2017 is my GlowUp year, I found myself in a position to experience a night in the life of pageantry. No, I wasn't a contestant but I was the wardrobe stylist on hand. So, I got to see the behind-the-scenes magic of a local pageant. The Mrs. DC/Mrs. MD International Pageant allows MARRIED women to compete with a platform that will help support change within their respective communities in the state of MD and in the District of Columbia.


The process to even begin to get ready for one of these events involves a lot of commitment, time, and energy. Even the husbands of the contestants are involved in the process. These are the superwomen of Moms. They are able to balance jobs, businesses, community involvement, volunteering, a marriage, parenting, and parenting all while maintaining a positive image! Despite being over worked, these women are far from under paid. Their monetary contributions assist the pageant in the support of some of America's most beloved charities to include Wounded Warriors and The American Heart Association. So with all these factors to manage in their lives. How could one possibly afford to spend time getting glamorous for such an event? The saying "It takes a village..." holds truer than ever here.


Each contestant had their own personal GLAM squad. This included hair stylist to ensure that each hair on their head stayed in place and a make up artist to touch up their beats after every appearance on stage! Even the judges were provided with private accommodations to get themselves ready. I was in awe at everything that was taking place all at once! Among all the contestants, the National Children's Choir had been enlisted to perform as well as a soon to be star (in my opinion of course) named Baylee Morrison. There was even a fashion show squeezed in that highlighted an up and coming international designer.


Overall, the night was memorable and eye opening. I've definitely got my work cut out for me if I ever want to get into pageantry. Custom made dresses are just a small portion of the expectations for these women. If you'd like to know more about the pageant and its contestants check them out on Facebook at


Enjoy some pictures from the show!

The National Children's Choir

Nrs. MD, her husband, and someone I don't recall (oops)

Mrs. District Heights

Me and My Date

The Decision Makers (Judges)

Opening Scene (Contestants)

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